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Broadband on site

Providing Germany with nationwide coverage of the “fast Internet” service is an important task for the future. To get closer to this goal, all players active in the field of broadband supply must be brought together. Better communication and the development of strategic partnerships should speed up the nationwide roll-out of broadband and make it more efficient. Perceived and actual disadvantages of rural areas must be gradually eliminated to achieve this. The goal must be to preserve the opportunities for more innovation, growth and employment for the future.


Broadband@SME event

The Broadband@SME information campaign helps entrepreneurs understand the benefits of gigabit infrastructure. The technological heart of the campaign is the information vehicle. The nine-meter-long and three-meter-high vehicle has been on the road in Germany since February. Technology parks, competence centers, industrial parks, regional events and numerous projects are the destinations of the roadshow.
The information mobile uses concrete application examples to demonstrate on site how the digital transformation will change communication, business models and production processes in the future. Experts from the Federal Broadband Bureau (BBB) present funding opportunities and advise regional entrepreneurs as part of this nationwide roadshow.


Broadband@SME in Elfershausen

7. September 2017, 10:00 to 13:15 o’clock


You can register for the event and view the program at the following link. We are looking forward to meeting you!

To the event

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