ZMI as a Service

Software as a Service

In order to be able to use our software solutions without an own data center, we offer all ZMI modules as a service (Software as a Service). This way you are not forced to host the ZMI – software solutions with your own IT and save costs for your own IT equipment and the administration of operating systems.

Time and cost savings with SaaS from ZMI

Software changes quickly. New legislation, new versions of operating systems, new hardware, but also suggestions from customers, program improvements and enhancements regularly lead to new versions. ZMI – as a Service therefore benefits you in many ways: Since you do not have to purchase your own hardware for software hosting, you do not have to make any advance payments. And by paying a monthly fee, ZMI – software licenses as well as software maintenance and administration are already included:


Updating and maintenance

Data backup

Arrange a non-binding and free initial consultation now

ZMI offers you flexible solutions for recording working time. We will also find an individual solution for your company!

Would you like to call one of our experts?
Please contact us at: +49 9704 60392 – 100.

Data protection: Security first, then time recording

Data security and protection play an important role for sensitive data such as time recording (time accounts, vacation dates, etc.). At ZMI, we are aware of the sensitivity of your data and therefore manage it based on the highest security.