
One system for everything: CRM + enterprise resource planning + time recording

ZMI – orgOrder supports you in the intelligent management of your company through information, organization, planning and analysis. Business success is based on qualified information management. The data you need to intelligently control your company should be maintained in and retrieved from just one central system. Simple, fast and efficient. This is exactly what ZMI – orgAuftrag offers you, the source of success for your company.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1664437236113{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]

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What is ZMI – orgAuftrag?

ZMI – orgAuftrag is a software solution for your entire company. It combines various modules such as enterprise resource planning, CRM, planning board and time recording and thus enables the handling of the complete business processes from offer to invoice, warehouse management, communication / correspondence with customers (CRM), appointment management and much more.

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Advantages of ZMI – orgAuftrag

While the conventional CRM system is just responsible for your customer communication and an enterprise resource planning system takes care of nothing else but your inventory management, ZMI – orgAuftrag is much more: The intelligent system ensures that several (interrelated) processes can be constantly controlled and thus has decisive advantages over other systems:

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At the push of a button, ZMI – orgOrder gives you a complete overview of all important processes and data. As owner and managing director, you have immediate access to all important areas of your company such as order processing, CRM, sales, marketing, finance and more. For each process you get all the necessary information. Clearly and concisely prepared.

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All employees in management, sales, marketing, administration, warehouse, etc. work with the same system. ZMI – orgAuftrag therefore puts an end to isolated applications where a new software has to be purchased for each process. ZMI – orgAuftrag replaces as universal software special solutions for finance and controlling, for CRM and customer contacts, article and warehouse management, time recording for employees and orders.

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Process optimization

The software provides your employees with a framework and sets binding standards. This speeds up every single process and the entire workflow. The work of your employees is more organized and fluid. The coordination effort decreases rapidly – also due to the integrated task and message function.

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Industry independence

ZMI – orgAuftrag is the ideal solution for many industries, especially for trade, commerce, administration, and services. It is designed for small and medium-sized companies. If your company grows due to new employees or business areas, ZMI – orgAuftrag flexibly adapts to your requirements.

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Arrange a non-binding and free initial consultation now

ZMI offers you flexible solutions for enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management (CRM). We will also find an individual solution for your company!

Would you like to call one of our experts?
Contact us at: +49 9704 60392 – 100.


Discover ZMI now

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Refreshingly different

ZMI – orgAuftrag is designed to make the flow of information and workflow in your company run smoothly and as if by itself. ZMI – orgAuftrag is intuitive and easy to use. The software requires only a short training period. You and your employees will work productively with it from day one. Companies that have been using orgAuftrag for many years report a significant increase in productivity. By the way, orgAuftrag also works smoothly with our other products: ZMI – Plantafel (scheduling), ZMI – Time (time recording), ZMI – Fahrzeugdatenerfassung(vehicle data collection) or ZMI – Zutritt (access control).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]

ZMI – orgAuftrag and Business Intelligence – the perfect combination

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”7/12″][vc_column_text]With our Business Intelligence (BI) solution ZMI – Analyse you get all the answers to your questions: get an overview of what is currently happening in your company, which you control intelligently with ZMI – orgAuftrag intelligently, and view Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics in the ZMI – Analysis dashboard. Some examples are:

  • How many inquiries are currently being processed?
  • Which sales representative is handling the inquiries?
  • What is the order backlog?
  • What is the projected revenue for the next few months?
  • How does the sales development compare to previous years?
  • How is the company’s lidquidity developing?
  • What is the processing status of current orders?
  • What is the current inventory level?
  • How was the inventory developed?

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